Of Nothingness - I
There is nothing left to say but to express the profound emptiness that fills me. The old feeling is back. There's a gap. It's one that was once filled with curiosity, long heated conversations, wine, and the passion to unravel this mysterious world in which we live.
But now, there is nothing. Nothing left to discover, nothing to be in awe of, nothing to feel.
This vacuum is all there is, and yet emptiness does not exist. Vacuum Nequaquam.
At this point, the old me would let my mind wander into philosophical discourse and ancient theories about life and the universe, the essence of all things and the future of matter after death.
But now, there is no point in doing so. As all is speculation, and the only reality left is cold and dry, and unattainable.
Yet the sun shines. Somewhere, surely it must be far away, the sun shines and the sea is calm.