On unity and human weakness

They tried.

Oh yes, they really tried hard to distance themselves as much as possible from the like of the animal kingdom.

Because they felt different.

Although savagery still ruled their world and violence was the nucleus of their societies.
But they wanted a shot at achieving a higher level of “humanity”, drifting away from the shackles of matter and bodily necessities.

So they imagined the perfect human; a man who would be able to conquer primal emotions, relieve himself from the prisons of matter and its desires, while elevating himself to ethereal realms to master the elements and make use of them.

This man, the only completely “human” being is in harmony with the universe and his fellow humans.
He has reached a profound understanding of nature and the truths that govern our world.

They imagined this Uberman and strived to resemble him; consoling themselves, if they fail, in the thought that his perfection may not even be human, but Godly. And how could they – simple beings – ever equale the Almighty’s power and capabilities?

So they made him a God.

In an instant, they demoted themselves, allocated to god all the qualities they failed to acquire.
They blamed their failure on the weak essence of their nature – we are nothing but Humans they thought and Errare Humanum Est.

This concept annihilated all aspirations to better the race and its individuals, reducing it to a status quo in terms of morals and species evolution.

And yet, we still see attempts to bring peace and wisdom where violence and bloodshed reign.

So their countries and nations decided to come together within a bodice of elected people with the aim to preserve peace, a semblant of peace or at least to play the role of a sentinel during raging battles.

They came together and thus were born the United Nations.

But what is the UN other than a bleak attempt at overcoming our natural savagery?


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