The Apple.
I wrote this 2 years ago: a eulogy of Steve Jobs.
The apple that fell in front of Newton being the symbol of innovative science, the symbol of an intelligible interpretation of the architectural beauty of the universe; it is indeed with that very same symbol - the apple - that Steve Jobs carried on the mission of creating beauty through science and innovating in the world of knowledge.
He has given humanity much more than just high tech communication tools, he has truly revolutionized the way we think, the way humans relate to each other, the way we learn and has contributed to the evolution of our species as a whole.
It is not often that a man like Steve Jobs comes around... He shall be missed, the absence of his unmatched intellect shall be felt deeply.
Let us remember how far we've come in just 30 years, the world has made great leaps forward, from the huge impractical scary computers, to the personal computer, to the laptop, the internet, the ipod, the iphone and the ipad; and most of these leaps were possible thanks to one man.
Let us remember and ponder.
Steve was one of few who proved that Man was capable of great things, of creating undeniable architectural beauty, of coming up with untimely thoughts and wisdom, and even of moments when one would feel a deep pride running all the way down the spine and in the guts, a pride to be Human.
The Apple. One bite towards knowledge.